Munich was more closely connected with the rise of National Socialism than any other city. The Nazi Party – the NSDAP – arose after the First World War out of Munich’s antisemitic and right-wing extremist circles. Adolf Hitler became its leading figure. It was in Munich that Hitler tried to seize power by staging a putsch in 1923. After the Nazi came to power in 1933 a Party quarter emerged in Munich where some 6,000 people were involved in organising and running the Nazi Party apparatus until 1945. This quarter was also the centre of the Party’s Nazi cult. With the opening of the concentration camp in the nearby town of Dachau, the ‘Capital of the Movement’ also played a pioneering role in establishing a regime of terror. The exhibition Munich and National Socialism of the Munich Documentation Centre traces the history of National Socialism in Munich, the city‘s special role in the system of terror and its difficulties in confronting the past since 1945. The exhibition uses a wealth of new materials by way of illustration.
With contributions by Hans Günter Hockerts, Peter Longerich, Ulrich Herbert, Lutz Raphael, Dietmar Süß, Christiane Kuller, Andreas Wirsching, Frank Bajohr, Marita Krauss, Winfried Süß, Gerhard Paul, Ute Frevert, Elizabeth Harvey, Thomas Brechenmacher and Harry Oelke, Jürgen Zarusky, Wolfgang Frühwald, Helmuth Trischler, Anselm Doering-Manteuffel, Winfried Nerdinger, Moshe Zimmermann, Alan E. Steinweis, Wodzimierz Borodziej and Étienne François
Published in 2015, 624 pages with numerous colored images, available in German and English
Edited by Winfried Nerdinger on behalf of the Munich Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism together with Hans Günter Hockerts, Marita Krauss, Peter Longerich, Mirjana Grdanjski and Markus Eisen
Translated by Jefferson Chase, Julie Gregson, Barbara Harshav, Jeremiah Riemer, Patricia C. Sutcliffe and Patricia Szobar
Museum edition (paperback):
FA 33441 | Price: Euro 20,00
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Publisher’s edition (Verlag C.H. Beck):
ISBN: 978-3-406-67789-2 | Price: Euro 48,00
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