What remains!?
Dealing with Munich’s Nazi past
For a long time Munich found it very difficult to address its own role in the evolution of the Nazi movement openly and critically. In this seminar we will find out what remains of the Nazi past. What is left of the monumental buildings and the camps? And what about Nazi ideas, with their racism and antisemitism? We will then discuss what is an appropriate way to deal with this history.
The traces of the Nazi dictatorship didn’t simply disappear when the Americans occupied Munich. Even today, the remains of the Nazi era can still be found in public space, on buildings and in open spaces Nevertheless, after the war was over, most Munich citizens suppressed their memories of Nazi atrocities and the victims of the Nazi state. At the same time, right-wing extremist organizations and neo-Nazi terrorist groups often espoused the Nazi ideology of unequal worth.
What traces has National Socialism left in Munich? And where are excluding or discriminatory attitudes still to be found today? We will not only address these questions in an overview tour but will also dig deeper and do some research of our own.

The plinth of a former “Temple of Honor” is uncovered, 2014 | © NS-Dokumentationszentrum München, photo: Connolly Weber Photography
Munich Documentation Center
180 to 240 min
Suitable for
Adults, young people, students, senior citizens, multipliers, schools, teachers
Number of participants
Max. 15 people (larger groups will be divided)
120 euros per group; free of charge for school classes and students
German, English, French, Italian (other languages on request)