Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist

Keren Cytter

The artwork Fashions by Keren Cytter was part of the exhibition Tell me about yesterday tomorrow (Nov. 28, 2019 until Oct. 18, 2020).

About the artist

Keren Cytter (born in Tel Aviv in 1977) creates films, video installations, and textual works that consider how present-day media affects social life. Her works are generally created using simple means in private settings. Through non-linear logic and the experimental use of editing, sound, and text, Cytter develops films with multiple narrative levels that undermine linguistic conventions and traditional patterns of interpretation.

Fashions, 2019

Video, ca. 25 min

Keren Cytter’s films are about interpersonal relationships and interactions and how digital culture affects them. Her videos do not lend themselves to straightforward interpretation, pointing to the complexity of our common existence. Less as clearly formulated criticism than emotional pictures of a certain time, her works convey the social climate of our present day and near future. Cytter presents her delicate observations of social change through painstakingly written scripts, cooperation with actors, and precise editing techniques, and supported by specially commissioned sound compositions. Her video titled Fashions offers a pointed critique of social issues such as misogyny, sexism, age discrimination, human exploitation, and appropriation of political symbols by the fashion industry. Cytter focuses less on definite answers and more on overlapping narrative strands, temporalities, and assigned roles. Her films are ambivalent views, reflecting our society and playing with the familiar while at the same time evoking distrust.

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Additional material

Interview with Keren Cytter

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Artist Keren Cytter talks about her work Fashions, in which she addresses societal problems such as misogyny, sexism, age discrimination, human exploitation, and the appropriation of political symbols by the fashion industry.

Videoclip on the artwork

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The video shows how the artwork is embedded in the context of the exhibition Tell me about yesterday tomorrow.

Installation Fashions by Keren Cytter in the exhibition Tell me about yesterday tomorrow, 2019 | © NS-Dokumentationszentrum München, photo: Connolly Weber Photography

Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist

Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist

Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist

Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist

Keren Cytter, Fashions, 2019, film still | Courtesy the artist