Current program

Our program of events is devoted to historical and current socio-political topics. It regularly features guests from Germany and abroad as well as cooperation partners from the fields of scholarship, art, and culture.

  • All formats
  • Guided tour
  • Inclusive offer
  • Screening
  • Opening & Drinks
  • Conversation
  • Seminar
  • Workshop
  • Further training
  • For anyone
  • Adults
  • Senior citizens
  • Students
  • Multipliers
  • Teachers
  • Young people
  • Families
  • Schools
  • All months
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • All languages
  • English only
  • German only




With Nikita Kadan, Alona Karavai, Harri Kraievets, Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk
Opening & Drinks


Installation von Talya Feldman
Inklusives Angebot

München nach 1945

Rundgang in Deutscher Gebärdensprache
Event series

This is America. Reflections on a Divided Country

In this event series we invite renowned American intellectuals to examine the transatlantic relationship between Germany and the United States. A cooperation with the Bavarian American Academy (BAA) and the Amerikahaus Munich.

Find out more

Online events

We post recordings and live streams of selected events to our online YouTube channel.